How to remove elk stack from the server? This section of the guide defines the procedure for the removal of various components of the elk stack Elasticsearch The various steps that need to be followed, for the removal of the elasticsearch completely from the server. Check the elasticsearch status It is used to check the status of the elasticsearch service. service elasticsearch status How to install elk on the server? Script for installing the elk stack The elk components in the training are installed with the help of this bash script. #! /bin/bash Name : Bakul Gupta Email : red= `tput setaf 1` green= `tput setaf 2` yellow= `tput setaf 3` blue= `tput setaf 6` grey= `tput setaf 8` reset= `tput op` function help() { echo -e "\n ${yellow} This script is used to install the elasticsearch on the ${red} debian ${yello...